GeneSet BroadCelltypePathway Lineage GeneSet_index Concept_index Description Genes Reference n_genes Bcell_l_Danaher17 Bcell_general Lymphoid_lineage_Bcell 0 0 B cell; according to Danaher et al. Journal for ImmunoTherapy of Cancer 2017 BLK:CD19:MS4A1:TNFRSF17:FCRL2:PNOC:SPIB:TCL1A PMID: 28239471 8 Bcell_sc Bcell_general Lymphoid_lineage_Bcell 1 0 B cell; data-derived v9 CD19:MS4A1:TNFRSF13C:VPREB3:PAX5:CR2 PMID: 34761219 6 MemBcell_sc Memory_Bcell Lymphoid_lineage_Bcell 2 1 Memory B cell; data-derived v8 TNFRSF13B:AIM2:CLECL1 PMID: 34761219 3 NaiBcell_sc Naive_Bcell Lymphoid_lineage_Bcell 3 2 Naive B cell; data-derived v8 CD72:TCL1A:FCER2:BTLA:FCRL1 PMID: 34761219 5 Plasma_sc Plasma_cell Lymphoid_lineage_Bcell 4 3 Plasma cell; data-derived v9 JSRP1:DERL3:FCRL2:FCRL5:IGLL5:TNFRSF17 PMID: 34761219 6 CD4Tcell_Combes22 CD4_Tcell Lymphoid_lineage_T/NKcell 5 4 CD4-positive T cell; derived from FACS-sorted tumor bulk RNAseq; Combes et al. Cell 2022 BACH2:TRABD2A:IL7R:HDAC4:NR3C2:ADD3:PABPC1:PABPC3:MFHAS1:DSC1:SELL:SESN1 PMID: 34963056 12 CD4Tcell_IL2_I_Kaptein2022 CD4_Tcell Lymphoid_lineage_T/NKcell 6 4 Genes characteristic for CD4 T cell / IL-2; low expression associated with resistance to neoadjuvant CTLA4+PD1 blockade; Kaptein et al. Sci Trans Med 2022 IL2:CD4:ICOS:EOMES:IL21R:IL2RA:IL2RB:IL2RG:CD40LG:CD48 PMID: 35476594 10 CD4Tcell_sc CD4_Tcell Lymphoid_lineage_T/NKcell 7 4 CD4-positive, alpha-beta T cell; data-derived v9 CD4:TRAT1:CD40LG:LEF1:TNFRSF4 PMID: 34761219 5 Th17CD4Tcell_sc CD4_Tcell Lymphoid_lineage_T/NKcell 8 4 T-helper 17 cell; data-derived v9 IL17A:IL17RE:RORC:IL23R PMID: 34761219 4 CD8Tcell_sc CD8_Tcell Lymphoid_lineage_T/NKcell 9 5 CD8Tcell_sc (Average expression of CD8A + CD8B) CD8A:CD8B PMID: 27301722;PMID: 30127393; PMID: 34761219 2 BadCD8Tcell_l_SadeFeldman18 CD8_Tcell Lymphoid_lineage_T/NKcell 10 5 TIL CD8-positive T cells associated with resistance to CIT, termed bad T cells; signature by Sade-Feldman et al. 2018 CD38:CTLA4:ENTPD1:EPSTI1:FABP5:HAVCR2:NDUFB3:PDCD1:PRDX3:SIRPG:SNAP47:SNRPD1:UBE2F:WARS1:CXCL13:AFAP1L2:TNFRSF9:MYO7A:GOLIM4 PMID: 30388456 19 CD8Tcell_Combes22 CD8_Tcell Lymphoid_lineage_T/NKcell 11 5 CD8-positive T cell; derived from FACS-sorted tumor bulk RNAseq; Combes et al. Cell 2022 FASLG:CD8A:SETBP1:CTSW:APOBEC3C:APOBEC3G:BTNL8:HLA-DPB1:ULBP3:RAD51:WNT9A:HLA-DMA:CERS5:CD8B:NKG7:ZNF696:MCM5:DPF3:TTC24:YARS1:EBP:TRPS1:GZMH:VCAM1:LAG3:CRIM1:NAA40:GRIK4:PSMB9:HLA-DMB:SERP2:HOXB4:CASP7:TMCC2:ARPC5L:MCTP2:LYST PMID: 34963056 37 DualExpandedTcell_l_Wu20 CD8_Tcell Lymphoid_lineage_T/NKcell 12 5 Dual-expanded T cells (CD8+, correlating with R to CIT); signature accoding to Wu et al. 2020 Supplementary Table 5 NKG7:CD8A:GZMH:CD8B:HCST:CST7:KLRD1:GZMA:CTSW:PRF1:GZMB:GZMM:KLRK1:HLA-C:KLRC4:AOAH:GNLY:MATK:ZNF683:ABI3:KLRC2 PMID: 32103181 21 GoodCD8Tcell_l_SadeFeldman18 CD8_Tcell Lymphoid_lineage_T/NKcell 13 5 TIL CD8-positive T cells associated with R to CIT, termed good T cells; signature by Sade-Feldman et al. 2018 IL7R:PLAC8:SELL:ADD3:TNFAIP8:TCF7 PMID: 30388456 6 ResourceCD8Tcell_sc CD8_Tcell Lymphoid_lineage_T/NKcell 14 5 CD8-positive, alpha-beta resource T cell; data-derived v9 S1PR5:KLRG1:SLAMF6:CXCR3:S1PR1:ITGB7:CD8A:IL7R:TCF7:PDCD1 PMID: 34761219 10 CMCD4Tcell_sc Memory_Tcell Lymphoid_lineage_T/NKcell 15 6 Central memory CD4-positive, alpha-beta T cell; data-derived v9 PKIA:TNFRSF4:AP3M2:AQP3:STING1:SERINC5:CD40LG PMID: 34761219 7 MemTcell_sc Memory_Tcell Lymphoid_lineage_T/NKcell 16 6 Memory T cell signature; use with case as unspecific; data-derived v8 GPR171:PKIA:AP3M2:SERINC5:PHACTR2:CD84:GZMK:IL7R PMID: 34761219 8 NaiTcell_l_Li19 Naive_Tcell Lymphoid_lineage_T/NKcell 17 7 Naive T cell markers according to Li et al. Cell 2019 CCR7:IL7R:TCF7 PMID: 30595452 3 NaiTcell_sc Naive_Tcell Lymphoid_lineage_T/NKcell 18 7 Naive T cell; data-derived v9 TCF7:LEF1:NELL2:CAMK4:MAL:TRABD2A PMID: 34761219 6 Tcell_markers Tcell_general Lymphoid_lineage_T/NKcell 19 8 T cell marker genes MMP2:SERPINE1:CXCR4:CTLA4:CXCL3 PMID: 38049463 5 Tcell_Combes22 Tcell_general Lymphoid_lineage_T/NKcell 20 8 Alpha beta T cells; derived from FACS-sorted tumor bulk RNAseq; Combes et al. Cell 2022 CD40LG:TBX21:SH2D1A:PYHIN1:ZNF831:CD6:THEMIS:UBASH3A:TRAT1:EOMES:GRAP2:ZAP70:SIRPG:ICOS:FASLG:CD8A:CD8B:ITK:GZMA:KLRK1:GZMH:GZMK:CD3D:CD3E:CD3G PMID: 34963056 25 Tcell_IL7Rmax_sc Tcell_general Lymphoid_lineage_T/NKcell 21 8 IL7R-max T cell; same signature as CD4/CD8 IL7R-max T cell, possibly T-helper 17 cell; data-derived v8 CXCR6:SLC4A10:IL7R:IL18RAP:LGALS3:ZBTB16:CXXC5:NCR3:CEBPD:SLC4A10:CCR2:ADAM12:KLRB1:GZMK:PHACTR2 PMID: 34761219 15 Tcell_l_Danaher17 Tcell_general Lymphoid_lineage_T/NKcell 22 8 T cells; according to Danaher et al. Journal for ImmunoTherapy of Cancer 2017 CD3D:CD3E:CD3G:CD6:SH2D1A:TRAT1 PMID: 28239471 6 CytotoxSig_Davoli Cytotoxic_Tcell Lymphoid_lineage_T/NKcell 23 9 Davoli cytotoxic immune signature (Averaging the expression levels of cytotoxic immune signature genes) CD247:CD2:CD3E:GZMH:NKG7:PRF1:GZMK PMID: 28104840 7 CytotoxTcell_Jiang Cytotoxic_Tcell Lymphoid_lineage_T/NKcell 24 9 Cytotoxic T lymphocytes markers (CTLs, averaging the expression levels of signature genes) CD8A:CD8B:GZMA:GZMB:PRF1 PMID: 30127393 5 CytoxAct_Rooney Cytotoxic_Tcell Lymphoid_lineage_T/NKcell 25 9 Rooney immune cytolytic activity (Averaging the expression levels of granzyme A (GZMA) and perforin (PRF1) GZMA:PRF1 PMID: 25594174 2 Cytotoxic_l_Danaher17 Cytotoxic_Tcell Lymphoid_lineage_T/NKcell 26 9 Cytotoxic cells; according to Danaher et al. Journal for ImmunoTherapy of Cancer 2017 CTSW:GNLY:GZMA:GZMB:GZMH:KLRB1:KLRD1:KLRK1:PRF1:NKG7 PMID: 28239471 10 CytotoxTcell_sc Cytotoxic_Tcell Lymphoid_lineage_T/NKcell 27 9 Cytotoxic alpha-beta CD4 or CD8 T cell; data-derived v9 GZMH:KLRD1:FGFBP2:GZMB:PRF1:SAMD3:MATK:GNLY:NKG7:GZMA PMID: 34761219 10 CytoxTcell_l_Li19 Cytotoxic_Tcell Lymphoid_lineage_T/NKcell 28 9 Cytotoxic T effector T cell markers according to Li et al. Cell 2019 GZMH:GNLY:FGFBP2:CX3CR1:KLF2:TBX21 PMID: 30595452 6 ExhTcell_Jiang Exhausted_Tcell Lymphoid_lineage_T/NKcell 29 10 T-cell exhaustion Pos (Texh, averaging the expression levels of signature genes) HSPA1B:HSPA1A:NR4A2:RGS1:TNFAIP3:CAMK2N1:DUSP1:NR4A3:IFIT3:IFIT1B:FOSB:SAMD3:MACC1:VPS37B:TF:DSEL:SPATA20:DHX58:SPP1:TRIM15:DUSP26:ABI3:SFN:C1QC:RTP4:JUN:BCKDHB:POU6F1:CYSLTR2:SLC14A1:RGS16:CUEDC1:DEDD2:CPEB1:CTSS:TMEM88:SKI:BTG1:SYCP2L:RGS2:ABCB1:ADRB2:CD69:RNF166:TNN PMID: 30127393 45 ExhCD8Tcell_l_Danaher17 Exhausted_Tcell Lymphoid_lineage_T/NKcell 30 10 Exhausted-like CD8-positive T cells; according to Danaher et al. Journal for ImmunoTherapy of Cancer 2017 CD244:EOMES:LAG3:PTGER4 PMID: 28239471 4 ExhCD8Tcell_sc Exhausted_Tcell Lymphoid_lineage_T/NKcell 31 10 Exhausted-like alpha-beta CD8 T cell; data-derived v9 PDCD1:HAVCR2:LAG3:ENTPD1:CD38:TOX PMID: 34761219 6 ExhTcell_l_Li19 Exhausted_Tcell Lymphoid_lineage_T/NKcell 32 10 Exhausted-like, dysfunctional T effector T cell markers according to Li et al. Cell 2019 TIGIT:PDCD1:LAG3:CXCL13:RBPJ:ZBED2:ETV1:ID3:MAF:PRDM1:EOMES:IFNG PMID: 30595452 12 ExhTcell_l_Tirosh16 Exhausted_Tcell Lymphoid_lineage_T/NKcell 33 10 Exhausted-like T cell; obtained from literature CXCL13:TNFRSF1B:RGS2:TIGIT:CD27:TNFRSF9:SLA:RNF19A:INPP5F:XCL2:HLA-DMA:FAM3C:UQCRC1:WARS1:EIF3L:KCNK5:TMBIM6:CD200:ZC3H7A:SH2D1A:ATP1B3:MYO7A:THADA:PARK7:EGR2:FDFT1:CRTAM:IFI16 PMID: 27124452 28 Target_marker_GeneBio Immune_checkpoint Lymphoid_lineage_T/NKcell 34 11 Immunotherapy target marker: PD1_PD-L1_CTLA4, Kong J H, et al. Nature communications, 2022, 13(1): 3703. PDCD1:CD274:CTLA4 PMID:30127393 3 Target_marker_CTLA4 Immune_checkpoint Lymphoid_lineage_T/NKcell 35 11 Single target marker CTLA4 CTLA4 PMID:30127393,PMID:35764641 1 Target_marker_PD1 Immune_checkpoint Lymphoid_lineage_T/NKcell 36 11 Single target marker PDCD1 PDCD1 PMID:30127393,PMID:35764641 1 Target_marker_PDL1 Immune_checkpoint Lymphoid_lineage_T/NKcell 37 11 Single target marker CD274 CD274 PMID:30127393,PMID:35764641 1 Immune_checkpoints Immune_checkpoint Lymphoid_lineage_T/NKcell 38 11 Immune Checkpoint CD274:CTLA4:HAVCR2:LAG3:PDCD1:PDCD1LG2:TIGIT PMID: 29443960 7 RegTcell_Blood_l_Zhang18 Treg Lymphoid_lineage_T/NKcell 39 12 Regulatory T cell signature according to Zhang et al. Nature 2018 - Cluster C10_CD4_FOXP3 from FOXP3:IL2RA:IL10RA:IKZF2:RTKN2:CDC25B:S1PR4 PMID: 30479382 7 RegTcell_Combes22 Treg Lymphoid_lineage_T/NKcell 40 12 Regulatory T cell; derived from FACS-sorted tumor bulk RNAseq; Combes et al. Cell 2022 FOXP3:IL2RA:CD80:LAIR2:CCR8:CCL22:TNFRSF13B:TNFRSF18 PMID: 34963056 8 RegTcell_l_Li19 Treg Lymphoid_lineage_T/NKcell 41 12 Regulatory T cell markers according to Li et al. Cell 2019 FOXP3:IL2RA:IKZF2 PMID: 30595452 3 RegTcell_sc Treg Lymphoid_lineage_T/NKcell 42 12 Regulatory T cell; data-derived v9 FOXP3:CCR8:CCR4:RTKN2:CTLA4 PMID: 34761219 5 RegTcell_Tumor_l_Zhang18 Treg Lymphoid_lineage_T/NKcell 43 12 Regulatory T cell signature according to Zhang et al. Nature 2018 Cluster C12_CD4_CTLA4 from FOXP3:CCR8:TNFRSF18:LAYN:IKZF2:RTKN2:CTLA4:BATF:IL21R PMID: 30479382 9 CD56brightNK_sc NKcell Lymphoid_lineage_T/NKcell 44 13 CD56-bright cytokine secreting natural killer cell; data-derived v8 XCL1:SELL:CCR7:FUT7:KLRC1:TNFRSF18 PMID: 34761219 6 CD56dimNK_l_Danaher17 NKcell Lymphoid_lineage_T/NKcell 45 13 CD56-dim natural killer cells; according to Danaher et al. Journal for ImmunoTherapy of Cancer 2017 IL21R:KIR2DL3:KIR3DL1:KIR3DL2 PMID: 28239471 4 CD56dimNK_sc NKcell Lymphoid_lineage_T/NKcell 46 13 CD56-dim cytotoxic natural killer cell; data-derived v8 CD160:SPON2:FCGR3A:FGFBP2:S1PR5:FCRL6 PMID: 34761219 6 NK_l_Danaher17 NKcell Lymphoid_lineage_T/NKcell 47 13 Natural killer cells; according to Danaher et al. Journal for ImmunoTherapy of Cancer 2017 NCR1:XCL2:XCL1 PMID: 28239471 3 NKcell_sc NKcell Lymphoid_lineage_T/NKcell 48 13 Natural killer cell; data-derived v9 NCR1:LIM2:KIR2DL4:KLRC1:IL18RAP:KLRF1 PMID: 34761219 6 ILC1 Innate_lymphoid_cell Lymphoid_lineage_T/NKcell 49 14 Innate lympoid cell type 1 signature genes EOMES:GZMB:HLA-E:IFNG:IL12RB1:IL12RB2:IL15RA:IL18RAP:IL2RB:KIR2DL1:KIR3DL1:NCR1:PRF1:RUNX3:STAT4:SYK:TBX21:TNF PMID: 26065585 18 ILC2 Innate_lymphoid_cell Lymphoid_lineage_T/NKcell 50 14 Innate lympoid cell type 2 signature genes BCL11B:CRLF2:GATA3:ICOS:IL13:IL17RB:IL2RA:IL4:IL5:IL9:KIT:MPL:RORA:TSLP:VIPR2 PMID: 26065585 15 ILC3 Innate_lymphoid_cell Lymphoid_lineage_T/NKcell 51 14 Innate lympoid cell type 3 signature genes AHR:ARNTL:CCL20:CCR6:CD40LG:IL17A:IL17F:IL1R1:IL22:IL23R:LIF:LTA:LTBR:MADCAM1:NFKBIZ:NKX2-3:RORC:STAT3 PMID: 26065585 18 cDC_CCR7_sc cDC Myeloid_lineage 52 15 CCR7-positive myeloid dendritic cell or regulatory/activated/mature myeloid dendritic cell; data-derived v9 CCL22:CCL17:CCL19:HMSD:NCCRP1:UBD:CRLF2 PMID: 34761219 7 cDC_sc cDC Myeloid_lineage 53 15 Myeloid dendritic cell; data-derived v9 FLT3:UPK3A:CLEC9A:CCL22:ZNF366:CD1C PMID: 34761219 6 cDC1_Combes22 cDC Myeloid_lineage 56 15 Classical dendritic cell type 1; derived from scRNA-seq; Combes et al. Cell 2022 IDO1:C1orf54:XCR1:CLEC9A:BATF3 PMID: 34963056 5 cDC1_I_Liu2018 cDC Myeloid_lineage 57 15 Classical dendritic cell type 1, refered to as Batf3+ DC genes; low expression associated with relapse in melanoma after adjuvant or neoadjuvant ipi+nivo; Liu et al. OncoImmunol 2018 BATF3:IRF8:THBD:CLEC9A PMID: 30393586 4 cDC1_sc cDC Myeloid_lineage 58 15 CD141-positive myeloid dendritic cell; data-derived v9 CLEC9A:XCR1:XCR1:CLNK:ENPP1:PPM1J:ZNF366 PMID: 34761219 7 cDC2_Combes22 cDC Myeloid_lineage 59 15 Classical dendritic cell type 2; derived from scRNA-seq; Combes et al. Cell 2022 FCER1A:CD1C:CD1E:CD1D:CLEC10A PMID: 34963056 5 cDC2_sc cDC Myeloid_lineage 60 15 CD1c-positive myeloid dendritic cell; data-derived v9 ENHO:CD1C:CLEC10A:CD1E PMID: 34761219 4 pDC_sc pDC Myeloid_lineage 61 16 Plasmacytoid dendritic cell; data-derived v9 CLEC4C:LILRA4:LRRC26:SCT:ASIP:SLC12A3:PTCRA PMID: 34761219 7 Macrophage_TAM Macrophage Myeloid_lineage 62 17 Tumor-associated macrophages(TAMs, averaging the expression levels of signature genes) F13A1:FCER1A:CCL17:FOXQ1:ESPNL:CD1A:GATM:CCL13:PALLD:GALNT18:MAOA:RAMP1:STAB1:CCL26:PARM1:CD1E:ITM2C:CALCRL:CRH:RGS18:MS4A6A:DHRS2:PON2:ALOX15:RAB33A:MOCOS:IL17RB:FABP4:CMTM8:QPRT:CDR2L:DUOXA1:ABCC4:SYT17:PPP1R14A:PDGFC:GPT:FAM189A2:RASAL1:IPCEF1:ZNF366:MAP4K1:RAB30:PCED1B:TMIGD3:SH3BP4:RRS1:RNASE1 PMID: 30127393 48 Macrophage_Combes22 Macrophage Myeloid_lineage 63 17 Macrophage; derived from scRNA-seq; Combes et al. Cell 2022 APOE:TREM2:C1QB:C1QC:VSIG4 PMID: 34963056 5 Macrophage_CXCL9_sc Macrophage Myeloid_lineage 64 17 CXCL9-positive macrophage; data-derived v9 CXCL10:CXCL11:CXCL9 PMID: 34761219 3 Macrophage_l_Danaher17 Macrophage Myeloid_lineage 65 17 Macrophages; according to Danaher et al. Journal for ImmunoTherapy of Cancer 2017 CD163:CD68:CD84:MS4A4A PMID: 28239471 4 Macrophage_MARCO_sc Macrophage Myeloid_lineage 66 17 MARCO-positive macrophage; data-derived v9 MARCO:CXCL5:SLAMF9:MMP19 PMID: 34761219 4 Macrophage_MSR1_sc Macrophage Myeloid_lineage 67 17 MSR1-positive macrophage; data-derived v9 TREM2:CD209:PLA2G7:SLCO2B1:SIGLEC1:FOLR2 PMID: 34761219 6 Macrophage_sc Macrophage Myeloid_lineage 68 17 Macrophage; data-derived v9 VSIG4:MSR1:CD163:TREM2:LILRB5:SDS:SLCO2B1 PMID: 34761219 7 ClassMonocyte_Combes22 Monocyte Myeloid_lineage 69 18 Classical monocyte; derived from scRNA-seq; Combes et al. Cell 2022; Combes et al. Cell 2022 S100A8:S100A9:VCAN:FCN1:LYZ PMID: 34963056 5 ClassMonocyte_sc Monocyte Myeloid_lineage 70 18 Classical monocyte; data-derived v9 S100A12:CLEC4D:FCAR:MCEMP1 PMID: 34761219 4 NClassMonocyte_sc Monocyte Myeloid_lineage 71 18 Non-classical monocyte; data-derived v9 LYPD2:GPBAR1:CDH23:LIPN:MS4A14 PMID: 34761219 5 InflamMonocyte_sc Monocyte Myeloid_lineage 72 18 Inflammatory monocyte; data-derived v9 SOD2:IL1B:IER3:CAMP PMID: 34761219 4 Monocyte_sc Monocyte Myeloid_lineage 73 18 Monocyte; data-derived v9 CD300E:SLC11A1:CLEC12A:FCN1:LILRA5:LYPD2:S100A12 PMID: 34761219 7 Myeloid_Combes22 Myeloid Myeloid_lineage 74 19 Myeloid; derived from FACS-sorted tumor bulk RNAseq; Combes et al. Cell 2022 CLEC10A:CD1E:CD1C:VSIG4:CD33:CD300LB:MS4A7:LY86:CLEC5A:LILRB4:FCER1A:LILRB2:CSF1R:LILRA1:MPEG1:FCN1:RNASE6:FPR3:CYBB:MS4A4A:MS4A4E:OLR1:CD163:WDFY4:SIGLEC7:MS4A14:SIGLEC1:CD300E PMID: 34963056 28 Myeloid_sc Myeloid Myeloid_lineage 75 19 Myeloid leukocyte; data-derived v9 CSF3R:MS4A6A:MS4A7:MNDA:C5AR1:FCGR2A:C3AR1:FPR1:LILRB2:HDC:FCGR3B:CCL22 PMID: 34761219 12 Basophil_sc Granulocyte Myeloid_lineage 76 20 Basophil; data-derived v9 CLC:MS4A3:HDC:CPA3:IL4 PMID: 34761219 5 Eosinophil_sc Granulocyte Myeloid_lineage 77 20 Eosinophil; data-derived v9 CLC:PRG2:EPX:RNASE3:RNASE2:SIGLEC8:FUT9:CCR3 PMID: 34761219 8 Granulocyte_sc Granulocyte Myeloid_lineage 78 20 Granulocyte; data-derived v9 MPO:CTSG:FCGR3B:CLC:HDC PMID: 34761219 5 Neutrophil_sc Granulocyte Myeloid_lineage 79 20 Neutrophil; data-derived v9 ELANE:MPO:PRTN3:CTSG:AZU1:FCGR3B PMID: 34761219 6 Mast_sc Mast Myeloid_lineage 80 21 Mast cell; data-derived v8 TPSAB1:CPA3:HPGDS:VWA5A PMID: 34761219 4 Mast_l_Danaher17 Mast Myeloid_lineage 81 21 Mast cells; according to Danaher et al. Journal for ImmunoTherapy of Cancer 2017 MS4A2:TPSAB1:CPA3:HDC PMID: 28239471 4 Erythrocyte_sc Erythrocyte Myeloid_lineage 82 22 Erythrocyte; data-derived v8 PAN3:KCNN4:ERMAP:TPM1:HBB:AHSP:CA1:HBD PMID: 34761219 8 Platelet_sc Platelet Myeloid_lineage 83 23 Platelet; data-derived v9 ACRBP:GP9:ITGB3:PF4:PPBP:TREML1:TMEM40 PMID: 34761219 7 HematoStem_sc Stem Mesenchymal_lineage 84 24 Hematopoietic stem cell; additional marker genes, mainly from PangalaoDB (May20) AVP:CRHBP:CD34:NRIP1 PMID: 34761219 4 Stroma_Combes22 Stroma Mesenchymal_lineage 85 25 Non-immune CD45-, CD44+ and Thy1+ stromal cells; derived from FACS-sorted tumor bulk RNAseq; Combes et al. Cell 2022 CDH11:DCN:PDGFRA:COL1A2:ISLR:COL1A1:COL14A1:FNDC1:BGN:COL5A2:POSTN:PCDH18:ADAMTS12:MXRA5:SULF1:EDNRA:PRRX1:COL3A1:THY1:LUM:COL12A1 PMID: 34963056 21 Pericyte_sc Pericyte Mesenchymal_lineage 86 26 Pericyte; data-derived v8 SOD3:CSPG4:RGS5:NDUFA4L2:COX4I2 PMID: 34761219 5 Nurmik_CAFs Fibroblast Mesenchymal_lineage 87 27 Cancer-associated fibroblasts (CAFs, averaging the expression levels of signature genes ) FAP:ACTA2:MFAP5:COL11A1 PMID: 30734283 4 Fibroblast_sc Fibroblast Mesenchymal_lineage 88 27 Fibroblast; data-derived v9 PDGFRB:DCN:PCOLCE:EMILIN1:CYGB:MFAP4:TCF21:BGN:ACTA2 PMID: 34761219 9 InflamFibroblast_sc Fibroblast Mesenchymal_lineage 89 27 Inflammatory fibroblast; data-derived v9 IL11:CHI3L1:WNT2:CEMIP:COL7A1:MMP3 PMID: 34761219 6 Endothelial_sc Endothelial Mesenchymal_lineage 90 28 Endothelial cell; data-derived v9 CDH5:ECSCR:KDR:TIE1:MYCT1:FLT4 PMID: 34761219 6 Endothelial_Kahn20 Endothelial Mesenchymal_lineage 91 28 Endothelial classifier using ElasticNet as transcriptional predictor for tumor vascularity, Kahn et al. 2020 ANGPT2:CDH5:ESAM:ESM1:ERG:ICAM2:TIE1 PMID: 33258803 7 Cholangiocyte_sc Epithelial Mesenchymal_lineage 92 29 Cholangiocyte; data-derived v8 KRT7:SOX9:EPCAM:KRT19:TFF1:CLDN4:MMP7:TFF2:SFRP5:SLC12A2:CITED4:FGFR2 PMID: 34761219 12 Epithelial_sc Epithelial Mesenchymal_lineage 93 29 Epithelial cell; data-derived v9 EPCAM:KLK1:SMIM22:LGALS4:CLDN7:CDH1:HMGCS2 PMID: 34761219 7 Mesothelial_sc Mesothelial Mesenchymal_lineage 94 30 Mesothelial cell; data-derived v8 CCDC80:UPK3B:PLA2G2A:PTGIS:PRG4:CALB2 PMID: 34761219 6 Adipocyte_sc Adipocyte Mesenchymal_lineage 95 31 Adipocyte; additional marker genes, mainly from PangalaoDB (May20) LEP:FABP4:TCF21:ADIPOQ:P2RX5:UCP1:CIDEA:PRDM16:LHX8 PMID: 34761219 9 Hepatocyte_sc Hepatocyte Mesenchymal_lineage 96 32 Hepatocyte; data-derived v8 ALDOB:APOH:PCK1:APOC3:TAT PMID: 34761219 5 PancreaticEndocrine_sc Pancreatic Mesenchymal_lineage 97 33 Pancreatic endocrine cell; data-derived v8 GCG:GC:IRX2:CRYBA2:INS:IAPP:HADH:ADCYAP1:MAFA:LEPR:RGS2:RBP4:BAIAP3:PPY:STMN2:DPYSL3:FGB:MEIS1 PMID: 34761219 18 Pneumocyte_sc Pneumocyte Mesenchymal_lineage 98 34 Pneumocyte; data-derived v8 ABCA3:PGC:AGER:NAPSA:SPTB:CFTR PMID: 34761219 6 Anti apoptosis pathway Apoptosis_pathway Functional_group 99 35 Antiapoptosis genes BCL2:BCL2L1:BCL2L2:MCL1 PMID:30792387 4 Pro apoptotic pathway Apoptosis_pathway Functional_group 100 35 Proapoptotic genes BAX:BID:BAD:BBC3:PMAIP1:BCL2L11:CASP3:CASP8:CASP9:FAS:FASLG:TNF PMID: 30792387 12 Fehrenbacher_Teff IFNg_pathway Functional_group 101 36 Fehrenbacher T-effector-IFN-y signature (Averaging the expression levels of T-effector IFN-? signature genes) CD8A:GZMA:GZMB:IFNG:EOMES:CXCL9:CXCL10:TBX21 PMID: 26970723 8 Ayers_IFNg6 IFNg_pathway Functional_group 102 36 IFNG signature Ayers et al. JCI 2017 IDO1:CXCL10:CXCL9:HLA-DRA:STAT1:IFNG PMID: 28650338 6 Ayers_IFNg18 IFNg_pathway Functional_group 103 36 Expanded immune gene signature, Ayers et al. JCI 2017 CD3D:IDO1:CIITA:CD3E:GZMK:CD2:HLA-DRA:CXCL13:IL2RG:NKG7:HLA-E:CXCR6:LAG3:TAGAP:CXCL10:STAT1:GZMB PMID: 28650338 17 IFNG_l_Rozeman21 IFNg_pathway Functional_group 104 36 IFNG signature, CIT response-associated melanoma Rozeman et al. Nat Medicine 2021 IFNG:CCR5:CXCL11:IDO1:PRF1:GZMA:HLA-DRA:CXCL10:CXCL9:STAT1 PMID: 33558721 10 TGFb_pan TGFb_pathway Functional_group 105 37 A pan-fibroblast TGFb response signature set (Pan-F-TBRS) by Gene expression profiling ACTA2:ACTG2:ADAM12:ADAM19:CNN1:COL4A1:CTPS1:FSTL3:HSPB1:IGFBP3:PXDC1:SEMA7A:SH3PXD2A:TAGLN:TGFBI:TNS1:TPM1 PMID: 29443960 17 EMT1 TGFb_pathway Functional_group 106 37 Epithelial-tomesenchymal transition EMT1 by Gene expression profiling CLDN3:CLDN7:CLDN4:CDH1:VIM:TWIST1:ZEB1:ZEB2 PMID: 29443960 8 EMT2 TGFb_pathway Functional_group 107 37 Epithelial-tomesenchymal transition EMT2 by Gene expression profiling AXL:FAP:LOXL2:ROR2:TAGLN:TWIST2:WNT5A PMID: 29443960 7 EMT3 TGFb_pathway Functional_group 108 37 Epithelial-tomesenchymal transition EMT3 by Gene expression profiling FOXF1:GATA6:SOX9:TWIST1:ZEB1:ZEB2 PMID: 29443960 6 TGFb_set TGFb_pathway Functional_group 109 37 TGF-beta pathway genes TGFB1:ACVR1:TGFBR2 PMID: 29443960 3 TGFb_CCR TGFb_pathway Functional_group 110 37 Cytokine-cytokine receptor interaction ACVR1:CCL24:FLT4:IFNGR1:IL4R:IL6ST:KIT:LIF:PDGFA:PDGFRB:TGFB1:TGFBR2:TNFRSF10B:TNFRSF14:TNFRSF1A PMID: 29443960 15 Cytokine_Ils Cytokine Functional_group 111 38 Interleukins: These genes encode interleukins, a group of cytokines that play key roles in regulating immune cell proliferation, differentiation, and activation. IL2:IL1B:IL10:IL19:IL6R:IL5:IL21:IL12B:IL23A:IL2RA:IL1F10:IL20:IL18:IL7:IL27:IL4:IL36A:IL25:IL36RN:IL34:IL1RN:IL15:IL9:IL17F:IL11:IL17C:IL17B:IL36G:IL32:IL24:IL31:IL17A:IL26:IL37:IL1A:IL3:IL33:IL22:IL16:IL6 PMID: 30184180 40 Cytokine_TNF Cytokine Functional_group 112 38 Tumor Necrosis Factors: These genes encode members of the tumor necrosis factor family, which are involved in inflammation and apoptosis. They play a crucial role in immune system regulation and inflammatory responses. FASLG:TNFSF12:TNF:TNFSF8:TNFSF13:TNFSF14:TNFSF18:TNFSF4:TNFSF11:TNFSF9:TNFSF10:TNFSF15:CD40LG:TNFRSF9:LTA:TNFRSF11B PMID: 30184180 16 Cytokine_IFNs Cytokine Functional_group 113 38 Interferons: These genes code for interferons, which are proteins known for their antiviral properties and ability to modulate the immune response. IFNA7:IFNA6:IFNA4:IFNA2:IFNA8:IFNA10:IFNA1:IFNA13:IFNA17:IFNA21:IFNA5:IFNA14:IFNW1:IFNL2:IFNL1:IFNL3:IFNK:IFNG:IFNB1:IFNE PMID: 30184180 20 Cytokine_GF Cytokine Functional_group 114 38 Growth Factors: These genes produce growth factors, which are essential for stimulating cell growth, proliferation, and differentiation across various tissues and organs. BMP2:BMP6:BMP15:BMP7:BMP8A:BMP8B:INHBA:INHBB:INHBC:INHBE:GDF9:GDF11:GDF15:GDF3:GDF5:GDF6:GDF7:BMP4:BMP5:BMP1:GREM1:OSM:TGFB3:LEFTY1:WNT2B:WNT7A:NOG:WNT5B:KITLG:WNT16:WNT2:BMP10:GREM2:WNT4:WNT3:ALKAL1:WNT9B:WNT6:WNT1:WNT9A:WNT3A:WNT10A:WNT10B:VEGFA:NAMPT:AIMP1:FGF2:THPO:MSTN:MYDGF:SCG2 PMID: 30184180 51 Cytokine_CSF Cytokine Functional_group 115 38 Colony-Stimulating Factors: These genes code for colony-stimulating factors, which are cytokines that promote the survival, proliferation, and differentiation of hematopoietic cells in the bone marrow. FLT3LG:CSF3:CNTF:CSF2:CSF1 PMID: 30184180 5 Cytokine_Chemokines Cytokine Functional_group 116 38 Chemokines: These genes encode chemokines, a subgroup of cytokines that primarily function in chemotaxis, guiding the migration of cells towards sites of inflammation or injury. CCL17:CCL2:CXCL8:CCL19:CXCL2:CXCL3:CXCL13:CCL24:CXCL9:XCL1:CCL8:CCL20:CCL11:CXCL6:CCL7:CXCL5:CCL13:CCL28:CXCL12:CCL1:CXCL17:CCL22:CCL25:CXCL10:CXCL1:CCL26:CXCL14:CXCL16:CXCL11:CX3CL1:XCL2:SCGB3A1 PMID: 30184180 32 Messina_CKS Cytokine Functional_group 117 38 Messina 12-chemokine signature CCL2:CCL8:CCL19:CCL21:CXCL9:CXCL10:CXCL11:CXCL13 PMID: 23097687 8 Proliferating_G1S_sc Cell_proliferation Functional_group 118 39 Proliferating cell in phase G1-S; data-derived v8 ATAD2:BLM:BRIP1:CCNE2:CDC45:CDC6:CDCA7:CHAF1B:CLSPN:DTL:E2F8:EXO1:FEN1:GINS2:GMNN:HELLS:MCM2:MCM4:POLA1:RAD51:UNG PMID: 34761219 21 Proliferating_G2M_sc Cell_proliferation Functional_group 119 39 Proliferating cell in phase G2-M; data-derived v8 ANLN:AURKA:AURKB:BIRC5:CDC20:CDCA2:CDCA3:CDK1:CENPA:CENPE:KIF11:KIF23:MKI67:NEK2:TOP2A:UBE2C PMID: 34761219 16 Proliferating_sc Cell_proliferation Functional_group 120 39 Proliferating cell; scseq data-derived v8 MCM7:DTYMK:SKA2:SAE1:RFC2:GMPS:MKI67:PCNA:STMN1:HMGB2 PMID: 34761219 10 TLS_v1_Cabrita20 TLS Functional_group 121 40 New tertiary lympoid structure signature by Cabrita et al Nature 2020; was TLS_v1_l CD79B:CD1D:LAT:SKAP1:CETP:EIF1AY:RBP5:PTGDS PMID: 31942071 8 TLS_v2_Cabrita20 TLS Functional_group 122 40 Classical tertiary lymphoid structure-hallmark genes Cabrita et al Nature 2020; was TLS_v2_l CCL19:CCL21:CXCL13:CCR7:CXCR5:SELL:LAMP3 PMID: 31942071 7 DNA_replication Genome_integrity Functional_group 123 41 DNA replication, positively correlated with TMB FEN1:LIG1:MCM2:MCM4:MCM7:POLD1:POLE:POLE3:RFC2:RNASEH2A:RPA1 PMID: 29443960 11 Cell_cycle Genome_integrity Functional_group 124 41 Cell cycle, positively correlated with TMB ANAPC2:CCNB1:CDC20:CDC25A:CDC45:CDC6:CDKN2B:E2F1:E2F2:ESPL1:MCM2:MCM4:MCM7:PKMYT1:TFDP1:TTK PMID: 29443960 16 Cell_cycle_reg Genome_integrity Functional_group 125 41 Cell cycle regulators by Gene expression and mutational profiling ATM:CCND1:CCNE1:CDKN1A:CDKN2A:E2F3:FBXW7:MDM2:RB1:TP53 PMID: 29443960 10 Nucleotide_excision_repair Genome_integrity Functional_group 126 41 Nucleotide excision repair, positively correlated with TMB LIG1:POLD1:POLE:POLE3:RAD23A:RAD23B:RFC2:RPA1 PMID: 29443960 8 Fanconi_anemia Genome_integrity Functional_group 127 41 Fanconi anemia pathway, positively correlated with TMB ATRIP:EME1:FANCC:FANCG:RAD51:RMI1:RPA1 PMID: 29443960 7 Homologous_recombination Genome_integrity Functional_group 128 41 Homologous recombination, positively correlated with TMB EME1:POLD1:RAD51:RAD54L:RPA1 PMID: 29443960 5 Base_excision_repair Genome_integrity Functional_group 129 41 Base excision repair, positively correlated with TMB FEN1:LIG1:POLD1:POLE:POLE3 PMID: 29443960 5 APOBEC_set Genome_integrity Functional_group 130 41 APOBECS genes APOBEC3A:APOBEC3B PMID: 29443960 2 Ubiquitous_immune_sc Reference Functional_group 131 42 Ubiquitously expressed immune cell genes; data-derived v1 ACTB:HNRNPK:UBC:YWHAZ PMC: 8484624 4 Ubiquitous_sc Reference Functional_group 132 42 Ubiquitously expressed genes; data-derived v8 ACTB:HNRNPK:HNRNPU:SNRPD3:SRRM1:ZNF207 PMID: 34761219 6 Reference_NanoString09 Reference Functional_group 133 42 High, medium and low expressed reference genes; NanoString Tech Note 2009 ABCF1:ACTB:ALAS1:B2M:CLTC:G6PD:GAPDH:GUSB:HPRT1:LDHA:PGK1:POLR1B:POLR2A:RPL19:RPLP0:SDHA:TBP:TUBB NanoString Tech Note 2009 18